A company that genuinely wants to produce great products

A company that genuinely wants to produce great products

"Great delivery service and options, but also a company that genuinely wants to produce extremely great products. Other companies are too brand orientated in my opinion, Racelaze lets their focus on quality products do the selling and build their brand. The product that got me hooked on their range is the: Signature Series Pre-Wax Cleanser! It really does make my Porsche 911 in dark blue look like the day it was picked up from the show room! Thank you!"

Andrew Moore, Wetherby, May 2018

Race Glaze

Andrew Moore, Wetherby, May 2018

"Great delivery service and options, but also a company that genuinely wants to produce extremely great products. Other companies are too brand orientated in my opinion, Racelaze lets their focus on quality products do the selling and build their brand. The product that got me hooked on their range is the: Signature Series Pre-Wax Cleanser! It really does make my Porsche 911 in dark blue look like the day it was picked up from the show room! Thank you!"